MAKE SMTHNG Week is an international festival that promotes makers, efforts to upcycle and repair, and the sharing of knowledge.

MAKE SMTHNG Week is taking place Dec. 2-10 with sponsored events in cities around the world. The goal is to encourage people to create, upcycle, repair, and share their skills as alternatives to buying and giving new stuff for the holidays.

We discovered this event late and there don’t appear to be events taking place in central Texas, but there are still ways you can participate. If you’re a maker or have skills in repairing stuff, then share your projects, ideas, and stories using the hashtags: #makesmthng, #makersgonnamake, and #buynothing.

We try to integrate this same message in to everything we do at Ronkita Design through our services of custom sewing, machine repair, and teaching. The goal is to provide alternatives to mass consumption with items and services people need, but with less impact on the environment, greater quality, more options for personalization, and opportunities to support local industries. Events like MAKE SMTHNG Week not only help to promote makers, but also demonstrate the possibilities and offer spaces for greater collaboration.

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